Wednesday 4 July 2012

Posters that inspired me

The things that I inspired me were the use of one colour in different shades. It is also very simple and there are no striking colours.

The way that this inspired me is the way there are only three colours that are very similar. The colours white, grey and black stand out from each other but not enough so they blend in with each other and they are not lost in the poster as well.  

The way this poster has inspired me is the way it has a white background and two colours other the top to make the picture. The other thing is the way it has red and black and the red stands out from the white and black. 

This poster has inspired me by having the soled black colour over a light blue background. The way the black stands out from the blue gives it a eye caching appeal. 

The way that this has inspired me it the way that the image has been simplified and turned like a cartoon from being a photograph. Also the colours that are on there stand out from each over in a good way so the colours improve each other.