Tuesday 3 July 2012

Colour schemes

This colour scheme is black, white and red. The purpose of this is so the red stands from the black and white. The red will probable be blood red from story of the thriller.

This colour scheme is black white and grey. It is a duller then the other one because it will show the darker side of the thriller and make it look grittier. It will look very dull but the style of it will be more dramatic to make up with the colours.


This colour scheme is a bloodier one to show the death and the violence in the thriller. It will have the white to show the clean parts and the two red will be the blood that is shed in the thriller. It will probable be a poster with the head shot scene.   

This colour scheme is to show the dark side of the thriller with the grey being the location being dark and gritty. The dark blue being the story and the red being the blood in the thriller. It is the most different from the over colour schemes from the range of the colours.