Wednesday 4 July 2012

Poster ideas

This is one of the poster ideas that has been made. It has a simple aspect to it with the silhouette of the head and the bullet. The gun has been simplified with the shadowing only on it. The only colour it the red from the gun shot and the gray on the smoke.    

This is the smoke tools that were for Photoshop to create the smoke on the gun in the poster bellow. The smoke tool had to be downloaded from a website and then imported in.

This idea has the font looking like the drugs and one of the lines on the poster. The white powder is meant to be the one from the film. The font is meant to look like one of the lines that are above and below it. The black background is so the white powder to stand out.  

This poster has some of the main props that were use and also the head shot. The font used on it is meant to look like it has been painted on like graffiti. The box has blood coming out of it to show the death that it will cause. It also has on it the white powder with a credit card showing the involvement of the drugs.

This is the final idea and will be the one that I use. The box is a paradox box and represents the box in the film. The font that is written in the gapes of the box and it is meant to represents the mystery in the film.  The gun that is used in the film and is the one that is use in the head shot scene. The bullets have the name of the most impotent characters. The blood puddle is meant to stand out from the over colours and show how there is death in the film.