Monday 25 June 2012

Regulatory Issues Report and Presentation

Freedom of information is when you can put up information about any thing that they want to about any subject they want to. This can be personal information that they have found out and is not restricted by age, nationality or when you live. The act was made in the year 2000. The act covers public sectors like government departments, local councils, hospitals and there workers, schools/ colleges/ universities, publicly funded museums and the police. An example of this is the telegraph expenses scandal is where they found out that the MP had been claming items on the money that they get from the public and then buying things that they don’t need and claming that they need money from the things like food and they second homes. My opinion of freedom of information is sometimes good like the expenses scandal so the public know what is happening and can find out information but sometimes it can be bad because they revel something’s that the public don’t need to know.
Censorship and ownership is when a company’s look throws film and over things that there could be improper things on them.  One of the companies that dose this is the BBFC. An example of this is the censorship in the state of New York. They cut out a bit with a baby getting hit by a pram. They also looked throw film to see if it had any violins, sex, drugs, drunkenness and divorces. They looked throw the film and then they look to see if they need to cut anything out. In my opinion censorship is a good thing because it make shore that there is not any thing in the film that should not be in there. They also have the rating and this can tell you what is in the film.      
Consumer choice is when the consumer is picking a product that they want from a patella product that they like. It can also be when a person that will only buy a product from one company every time that bring out a product. It also helps to find out what is being bought that is the same product. An example of this is when people buy Apple product and get the new one when it is released no matter what. They also won’t change to another different product like BlackBerry. My opinion on consumer choice is that there is lots of different product that are on the market and if you stick to one company it is fine.
Taste and decency is when people see how tasteful something is and haw decency a TV program is and what times it’s on. This can be not to put programs that are on to violent and inappropriate for the time that it’s on. The water shed that is after 9 o’clock and this is when more grown up things are on that are not suitable for younger children.  An example of this is the Telegraph with the complaints from people about channel four and BBC. The complaints about how it has more sex and violent for the type of programs. Some of the complaints are there is too much sexual action, bad language and some programs are too personal. In my opinion taste and decency is a good thing to have because it can make shore that people are not upset by programmes that are being shown.