Monday 23 January 2012

Thriller assignment

The definition of a thriller is a film that can give you thrills from watching the film. To do this the film makes you feel different emotions and feelings like anticipation, uncertainty, anxiety and tension. Usually there are red herrings and cliff hangers to keep the tension and giving the viewers the thrills. They can also cover up important information from the viewers that get you guessing the out come. There are many different sub-genres some of them are conspiracy thriller and this is where the hero has to confront a large group of enemies that they recognise. A legal thriller is were the hero is a lawyer and has to fight with the villains in and out of the court room with having there live at risk. Political thriller is the hero has to see how the government that employs him. A psychological thriller is the hero has a mental problem and has to dial with this can come from an accident that happened to them. There can also be two or more other characters that use the hero to there advantage. A supernatural thriller is there are supernatural things in there and the hero can have supernatural powers. There is an action thriller and this were the hero is in a dangers situation and has to get out of them they are also more violent then other thrillers genres.                                                         
Protagonist is the hero type of character. They can be not aware of how is the villain. There are character archetypes like the false hero. There is the handicap protagonist this is a charter that has a disability that can be physical or mental. There is the picaresque charter and there are a rogue charter and they use their wit to get out of situations and to escape villains. The unaware hero is a hero that stumbles into the story this can be in conspiracy thriller. The unreliable narrator is a charter that you can’t believe there side of the story, they can be bias. There is the woman in peril and this is a woman that needs help from someone from an event that has happened. The antagonist is the villain type character. They can be a false hero or villain. They can be the government or a government agency in the conspiracy thrillers. They can be big companies and these characters are called conglomerates. They can be manipulator and manipulate the protagonist in to crimes. There are also criminals that can be murders, assassins and kidnapers. Handicapped antagonist is characters have mental or physical disability. There can be an absent villain and this is where there is no villain or the hero is the villain. There can be supernatural villains and they are things that are not people or organizations but ghost or aliens
The thriller that I’m analysing is a conspiracy thriller called Hidden. It’s about a solicitor that is working on a case that is put towards him to work on that has a link to his past and the death of his brother. As this is going on there is rioting in London because there is no government and a group of MP are trying to get rid of the in power prime mister for there plan to kill an MP. At the end the solicitor finds out the truth and how the two events are linked to each other and the death of his brother.
The different characters in the production are Harry Venn a small solicitor that get involved in a case that is linked with his past and the death of his brother, Gina Hawkes a client that is trying to find out about here past and the death of her parents and how they mite be linked together, Frank Hanna a friend of Harry that has use him as a solicitor in the past and get mixed up with Harry problem, Fentor Russell a police offer that is trying to help Harry out in the situation and was the offers that was the head of the case that was about the death of Harry’s brother, Sir Nigel Fountain is Gina godfather and is trying to help here but does not understand why she trying to find out about the death of here parents and Elspeth Verney is a MP that works for the media and is trying to bring down the prime mister with help from two other partitions and the newspaper she edits for.  
There are different things that are in thriller that are close to being horrors and the different between them is horrors show the violent events and the gore and thrillers hide the gore up in shadows and behind things. A thing that helps out thrillers is the mystery that they have in them. There are two types of mystery are open and closed mystery. The differences are a closed mystery you have the same clues that the detective have and you have to find out who done it. An open mystery is when you know who has committed the crime and you watch the detective find the criminal. Dramatic irony is when the viewer knows something that the character in the film can’t see or know about. An example of this is the killer is hiding around the corner and the detective can’t see them. This also brings on suspense which is when you keep the viewer wanting to know more or to find out what is going to happen next. This can then make the truing point of the thriller more dramatic and out of the blue. There is another thing that helps a thing called a “macguffin”. This is an item, event or character that helps the plot out and makes the viewer keep guessing what it could be and what is dose. All of this put together help keep the viewer wonting to know the ending and helps the “theatre of the mine” which is to keep the viewer thinking about what they are watching.                         
Some of the truing points of the thriller when the Harry finds out one of his brothers friends is not dead and is trying to kill him and then a mystery charter that saves him. You also find out that the one of the Sir Nigel Fountain that you fort was good is actually helping the assassins. There is also the point where they have to revisit a house that the Harry’s brother got killed. The type of narration that Hidden has is subjective character identifies this is where you can see in the characters mind and see and hear there thoughts. It’s this type of narration because you can see the flashbacks of the characters. It also has an episodic narration but it’s about one story. It has a restricted narration that only gives little bits of information to the viewer.
The target audients of the thriller is young adults. This is because it has a lot of information to give out about the past and the present and there are two sides of the story and it alternates between them with different characters that give out information and you have to keep track of them and have they are involved in the story. Also it is has more violins in it and other things that older people mite not like or be interested in. It has in it violins, strong language and drugs that why it’s not suitable for younger viewers and this is why it was put on at nine o’clock.  
The locations that they use are dark and dingy areas like old warehouses and streets. This is to build the suspense up by hiding characters in the shadows. It also set in capitally city like London and Paris. These are well known city’s so the Degases more believable and realistic to the time and location it’s set in. The dark areas of the city give the scenes more atmosphere and this is helped by the music that rises in volume and is made up from strings inurnment and pianos. The affect this brings over the conversations is it makes it interesting and you lesion to what is being said and this is done over the important information. The music is over the background of scenes to make atmosphere and it’s slightly creepy to enhance the effect more for the viewer.     

The style that it’s filmed in its dark and shadowy and this is so characters can hide in them and not know who the characters are and what role they play in the story. The camera angels in the production follow the characters and when they move from area to area. It also cut to them when they are on phone call. It cuts to the character that is speaking. There are shots were you can see the reaction of the characters to the information they are getting and what they are finding out. There is over the shoulder shot when the characters are having conversations with each other.  The muse-en-sene of one of the scenes is where the two main characters are in an old building serving an assassination attempt and the are they are is has old, dark, dirty and disused buildings around the area and not a lot of light is in this area from the broken windows and the dusty fog that is around in the air and this dampens the lights give of a light grey light. This help the characters stand out and other times there are shadows that they can hide away the characters in them that are revel later on.              
Some of the codes of practise that the program has to follow and because of what is in the program it was put on after the watershed that is nine o’clock. Some of the things that it contends are the violent scenes that they have in there like the fighting with and without guns and the murder scenes. Some of the things they can show are killing in slow motion and this is from the graphic side of things. The strong language that is use has to follow to the codes and this is why it was put on after the watershed. This is to protect children from lessening to the words that are being said. The show of the drugs and alcohol must not be glamorised and can show the bad effect they can have on the body. This is done one when they know children are not going to hear it.  this is where I got the information for the genres of thrillers. this is where I watched the episode. this is the website that I use to research the characters.  this is the website that had the codes of practise.