Wednesday 4 July 2012

Print evaluation

The poster has been made to the design from the use of the colour and the font for the thriller. The colour is black and white with the red blood. The blood stands out from the over colours on the poster. The poster has the name of the thriller in the gapes of the paradox box. The name of the uses a font that is Paradox. In the last space there is the gun that was use in the thriller. Over the top of the blood puddle there three bullets that have the names of the two main characters and the minor character. The font that is used is easy to read and has some of the letters disfigure to look like other letters. An example of this the A and the D. They look very similar from the top of the A is elongated.  The O has this as well with it looking like a capital D. This can make the font quite hard to read but not so it's eligible. The font use on the bullets it meant to look like it has been engraved by hand. The T-Shirt idea has on it to of the guns that where used in the film at the end. The font that it has been distorted but not that you can’t read it. This will so that there is some mystery from the thriller. The way it has been done it looks like it is a coat of arms with the guns angled over the text.

The poster was made in Photoshop and by using images that where taken from the props and from the internet. The font use was downloaded from a website called Da Font. It had a collection of different fonts. Some of the images had been turned to black and white like what will been done for the T-Shirt. This was change so they would look right on the poster. The style that it used is similar to over poster that I have seen. I thought that it better to have less on it then more on it. This is because I wanted to show the name of the characters and some of the main props from the story.  Not revel two much of what it’s about. The box is a paradox and this is linking with the name of the thriller. It is also has the blood on the floor that is meant to be about the people that are killed from the box. The bullets have the names of the main characters and they are in the blood because they get kill of. The box is on a table and it also has the blood splat in the background and the colour of the wall is from the film.  

The way that the T-Shirt design has been made by turning a normal coloured image that had been converted to black and white. Then the levels of the black and white have been changed to make the picture look right. Then text was then added under the two guns. It then was printed out on to A4 paper and then was transfer to acetate so it can be place in the light box to be transferred to a screen. The idea is meant to look like a coat of arms or a symbol that would be on a street. It was made as a half tone as well. The simple black and white version was much better because you can see more of the gun and they look clearer. The half tone was very fussy and the text was hard to read. 

For printing the T-shirt first the design was copied over on to acetate. This was then put in the light box so it could be burn onto the screen. The screen was coated with photosensitive emotion. When the design was burned on the screen was washed the emotion for the design of. This left a blank part on the screen. Then the screen was coated with the navy blue ink. This was because it was a dark colour that stood out on the white T-shirt. This was then printed on A4 paper first for practises. Then when the print was looking right it was printed on to the T-shirt. When I was doing this the printing for the T-shirt the practise prints where working fine. When it was being printed onto the T-shirt the ink didn’t print onto it. It only printed some of the design on to the T-shirt. 

The things that I would change on the designs for the poster is to have more pictures when film and then use them for the poster. Then it would have some of the pictures of the characters and more of the props use. This will give the people seeing the poster know what the two main characters look like. For the T-shirt design I would do the same so there is more to pictures to work from. This would give me more ideas and more design to experiment with and play with. I would also play with the half tone to see if I could get the image better than it got it.