Friday 14 October 2011


To protect the production from copyright we will right to use permission to use music and pictures that feature in the filming. To ask permission we will have to e-mail the owner of the copyright and let them know we are going to use the item. In the e-mail we will have to included are: the name the item that we are using, the production that we are making, the number of copy’s that we are going to make and where the copies are going to like people. If the owner doesn’t   approve use using the item we can’t use it in the production. To get the permission to use it we will have to pay the owner the amount of money that they think is right to use it. If we don’t ask for the permission the owner can get money or sue to protect the work of there’s. They can also ask for the work to been not shown or use at all. This is because it’s the property of the owner and they can do what they won’t to use it for.