Monday 26 September 2011

analyzed children’s drama

The codes and convention are the different things that you are expected to see in the program or film. The codes for Tracy Beaker are things like there is simple humour and this is because the younger viewers will under stand what the jokes are about. There is also annoying family members and this can help them relate to the personalities of the other people that live in the house. There is sometimes a happy ending but it is set in a care home and it is not all happy there but to make up for this the children do partial joke and wined up the adults that work there. There are a simple problems and this let the children watching it understand what is going on. The convention of Tracy Beaker are things like there to be a happy end so the children don’t get upset on not wont to watch it. There will be evil adults in it that are trying to stop what they are doing. The different children living there have different talents and they can help out each other and this let the children know the differences between the characters. The genre of the program is drama and what I would aspect to see are lots of dramatic moments in it that can keep the viewers interested in the program. It mite be a hybrid genre and this is a combination of two or more genres like have drama and comedy.

The narration of Tracy Beaker is restricted narration and this is because it only gives information that is wants to give to viewers and this keeps them more entreated because this will make them stay to the end and see the outcome of the event. It also has objective character identification and this is because you can see and here what the characters are thinking about. It has an episodic narration because it is in episodes and there is a different story for the episodes and this let the viewer see the differences of the characters and how they are in the program. The location of the program is in a children’s home and this lets them relate to what is happening. There is also the different room in the house and you see what the characters like in there rooms. There is also the shopping centre and this let it not all being in the home. There different characters are Tracy the victim hero and this is because here room is gone and she needs the one, Mike is the done/ helper aid and this is because he gives Tracy here new room and he helps here out. Louses and she is the false hero because she seems nice at the beginning and then she terns agents her latter on, Justine she is the villain and this is because she has Tracey’s room, Ben the helper aid this is because he helps here out in the shopping centre, Ryan is the hero because he fixes Justine’s clock, Jenny is the helper aid because she split up Tracy and Justine from fighting and Zac is a hero because he helps Ryan to fix the clock. The pace is it stars of slow and this is because it is introducing the different characters slowly. It then get faster when the story pick up and this is because it showing the drama that is happening. When the character is thinking it’s shown as cartoons and this make the pace go faster. At the end of the program it starts to slow down and this shows it’s ending and the drama has finished. The style of it is that the title is very bubbly and childish this let the audience know what age it is for. It has more clamed down time and this show that the children there are not all ways having fun. What the character is thinking is shown as a cartoon this helps it show the differences between them. The muse-en-sene is what can be seen in the background in the scenes this is things like children’s toys and books around the house, there is a wall with the staff and the children’s faces on the wall when you enter the house. This is showing that it is a normal house that has a difference because it is a children’s home it is not the same. There is also an office there and a normal house will not have these. The technical parts of the film are there are different camera angles and there are to show the different reaction of the children this is done be using an extreme close up or a close up. This is done by zooming in the camera into the face of the actor and this shows the emotions and reactions’ of them. This is done when they find that the clock is broken and is shows the reaction of the person that broke the clock and the person that owns the clock. Some of the over angles that they did was long shot to show the house and this is the location of the set. A long shot is when they zoom the camera back to get the hole over the building in the scene. They also follow the charters when they move around the house and this is the tracking shot. A tracking shot is when the camera follows the actors around from the back or in front of them. There is over the shoulder shot that is done with the camera pointing over the shoulder of the actors that are not talking. Another thing is the title sequence and it is done with colour and animation with a pop song over the top. This is also the same with the end credits with the different tiles having different colours and animations in the background. There are the transitions between the thoughts of the character and the real world they are done with the serene having a wobble around the corers and then moving into the centre and then out into the through.#narrative              

The codes of practise are the things that protect the children watching it from things that may harm them. The things that they have to think about are is it legal, decent and safe for the children to watch. The things that shouldn’t been included are things like bad language, sex scenes, violates from guns and knifes and crime. They are there to protect the child actors like to restrict the working hours and to not give away information that can reveal the lactation of the actors. They also need permission from a parent to work and to give permission to be on the program. It also gives them a tutor to lean when they are on set and away from school. They will not take on any one actor that has a ceramal record or an ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) or the parents have one or a drug addiction like being an alcoholic because they need the money to buy the drugs for the addiction. They also give the right to people to complain like on the BBC program Point Of View. They will also need licences to have cretin actors and the lactation they are filming on. They also need to make shore that every body is treated the same way. 
# codesofpractice

Health and safety on a film set in important so the people working can work with and around equipment safely. The person with the responsibly to look after health and safety is the head of the department or the health and safety officer. They have the responsibility to check the equipment and to see if it is safe to use around the people. They will also need to report the accidents that happen and to train the people around to respond to them in a suitable way.  They is something to help to think about is the “Three C’s” and they are control is there someone in charge of the stunt or on set, is there someone there who have the authority to take charge of the situation. Co-operation is they the roles that are spit around people involved there. Is there one person in charge of everything? Competence don’t do something that you are not experience to do and to know the risks that are involved. There are also things that you need to remember like who has the responsibility of the stunt, can this be done safely, are the right people on site like fire-fighters and police officers, is there shelter, food and toilets. 

Copy right is a law that protects different items like music, pictures, film and manuscripts. This lets the owner to control what is done with the martial and this can be things like were the music is play and who publishes the script. Some of the things that the law protects are: literary things like scripts, song lyrics, document and leaflets, dramatic that are plays and dances, musical, artistic are paintings, sculptures, drawings and maps, published editions things like magazines, sound recording and films. Things that the law doesn’t cover are things like names, short phrases and colours and this is because they are not unique to protect. If they are combined in a logo then they can be protected. It only protects the content of the item not the idea of the item so there can be lots of people that have done something with the same idea but they will all be different. There are different periods of time after the owner has die like for music it is 70 years, sound recordings are 50 years, films is 70 years and for published editions its 25. The things that are allowed are if it is used for privet education research, for a radio or played at a club that has no profit or having copy’s to use for education purposes. 
#law this is the link to the children drama that is Tracy Beaker. this is the link to the code of practise by the BBC this is a link to for heath and safety on a film set. this is the link to a heath and safely on a film set. this is a link to a page that is about copyright