Friday 7 December 2012


The two shows that had been made where Duel Date and Revulsion. Duel Date was a spoof comedy dating show where two men fort over a girl contestant in different rounds that were mock date, questions and a karaoke with the audients had to pick. Then the winner got to go on a date with the girl contestant. It was rigged for one of the contestants would win and the other one would not be suitable for the girl. For the set of the show there was bright colours for the two corners that the contestant where in. Blue for the boys and a pink for the girl. There was the logo that was painted in the middle above the host’s desk. The second show Revulsion was a game show that had six contestant and five rounds. The rounds where general knowledge, food and drink, film and TV, quick fire and last the question in the box. At the end of the round the contestant with the least points had to perform a task that they hated or where sacred of. When there were two contestants left they had to put their hand in a box that had question and also live crickets. There was a raised platform that the tasks were performed on for the loser of the round. It was put in front of the desks where the contestants and the host were sat. For the set it had different shades of grey that looked like cobble stone and then had red hand prints and a tally on the wall to represent a dungeon.  On top of the tables there was a black drape to cover them up.
The things that I did for the pre projection was: the personnel and the equipment list, the logos, colour schemes, mood board, sound and music for the first show and helping with the painting and set design. The personnel and the equipment had on it all of the equipment that was going to use in the show and the VT that would be need before the show. The personnel list had all the people that were used in the show and the VT. The logos were made on Photoshop and there were multiple designs that had images and text themed with the show. In the end the final logo was picked by the group or had changes made to it that the group wanted. There was the mood board that was created before the logo and helped with ideas for them and the set ideas. The colour schemes help with the set design from having colours and ideas that would be used for the set design and had influents from the mood board. There was also the sound effect and the music for the VTs for Duel Date and the karaoke round that had to be found and then put on to a memory stick to be play in the show. I also helped out to cut out and paint cardboard harts for the background of the set and the set itself.
The things that I did for the filming of the show were the sound and lights and camera operator.  For the lighting job I had to operate the lighting board and change the levels for the set and the actors to be lit up well enough for the cameras. For the sound I had to play the song for the karaoke round and make sure that the sound levels where balanced and there was no feedback like a ringing sound. This did happen in the shop with the sound being on too loud and the volume having to be turned down and back to the right level. For the camera operator job I had to get the left side of the table with mid shots and close ups when there was a tie break. I couldn’t get very many close ups from the cameras zoom was very slow and would take time to sort out for the next shot.    
The things that I thought went well for the shows were the set designs. This is because they fitted the theme of the show with the bright colours and the cardboard harts that were white and pink and the stone effect on the Revulsion’s set. I also thought the ideas for the show were very different and this meant the planning for the show would be different. There was also more commutation with the second show when peppering the set so people in the group knew what to do and lest people where standing around. This was also for the live show with the director giving out information to the other members of the group when filming. 
The things that I thought could be improved on for Duel Date was the per production work being completed more on time. Some of this was from the director not being around all of the time and the final idea changing a lot. This would have given the actors more time to learn the script and this would make it look more smother.  I also think that the time spent on peppering the set was too long and this would have given more time to rehearse more. The lack of rehearse was another thing that could have been improved so everyone involved knew what was going on and what would be happening in the show.
The things that I think that could have been improved for Revulsion were the time for the set being made again. This is because it had a last minute decision that the tables didn’t look right by the way there have been painted and had to be changed with a black drape. This then also lead to a very short rehearsal that was shorter than the one for the first show.  I also thought that the boxes that the crickets were in could have been improved so the hand hole was smaller. This would have made it much harder for them to get out before and when the show was being filmed.
If we redid the shows the jobs that I would pick for them would be camera operator for the first show. This is because there would have been more shots that could have been used with the different rounds. This is because they would move slightly and then there would be more work to more the camera. For the second show I would have picked the sound and the lights. This is because there were more chances for sound effect to be used. There is also the lights with changing them for the challenges that had to be done.  

Friday 12 October 2012

Music Videos

Ash - Neon 

This music video has a girl walking through New York to get to the studio of that the band is at. It is done like stop-motion animation with there being different black and white pictures of the girl at different times of the journey. Then there is pictures of the band in there studio performing or standing around a glitter ball. The photos were taken by KINo and the video made as well. The song was released on 1st February 2010 with 1000 vinyl copies as well. The song reached 120 in the UK charts in December 2010. The song was not released on the radio. When recoding the song they didn’t have a fourth member of the group so the piano and synthesizer is a backing track. There is also a remix version of the song that is only evaluable on the Japanese album. They way that this shows of the band is by having them performing and it fits the song by having someone trying to find their way through the city.



Ash - Candy  
This video has the band playing at a wedding party when the lead singer sees a blond waitress. He tries to get her attention by changing the stage and performing different things with help from the over band mates to get her attention. The video has guest appearances from Michael Jackson, Robert De Niro and George Michael. It was directed by Jeff Thomas and was film Elstree studios in London. the video was also on DVD that came with the album. The song was also performed on Top Of The Pops. The video fits the song as it has the waitress messing up and the end she is goes with the band. It is comical and show the band in a light hearten way. 

Jimmy eat world - Always be
This video has the band playing in a museum and while a school trip is going on. There is a girl and a boy who get separated from the tour group and they go exploring by them self’s. They then met up the rest of the group at the end of the song. It was filmed in the natural history museum in Los Angeles. It was directed by The Malloys (they are two Brothers Emmett and Brendan that work for a music video company).  The highest the song got in the UK was 37. It was first seen from a 30 second clip that was posted on the bands website and also on MTV TWO on January 27 and MTV TRL on the 30th January at 3.30pm. This song is available from Itunes. The way that the song shows of band is as they are nattering the scene that is going on and it shows of the band by them performing in a public place. It also shows that are well know as they are in a natural history museum.


Lostprophets - Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast)
In this video it has the band shown individually one by one and then they start to play on a top of a skyscrapers helipad. It then cuts to three different teenagers: one set with her parents, one in the back of a car and the last on working in a kitchen. Then they start having the adults around them start to shout and then at the end of the song they start to shout and let it all out. It was directed by Ryan Smith and film in Los Angeles. It reached number 1 in the UK Indie Chart and number 8 in the UK Singles Chart. They way that this song shows of the band is by them performing on the rooftops and this can give them a rebellious look at they are in a place that they shouldn't be. The way that it shows of the song is by the people in the video letting there insides speak as a loud noise. 

Daft punk - The prime time of your life

This music video start off with a skull opening and closing its mouth that then is revealed to be in the reflection of an eye from a girl. It shows her in her room hiding behind her pillow while watching TV. On the TV all of the people are skeletons that seem to be living apart from Daft Punk that appear on it.  She then gets up and goes towards her dresser and looks at the photos that is on it. She then picks one of them up and looks at it. She then has a flashback with her on the beach (all of the people in the photos are skeletons). Then you see a picture of her with two friends playing with a skipping rope (she looks over weight in them).  She then goes in to the bathroom and looks in the mirror and then finds a razor blade in a drawer and cut the skin off her hand. Seeing that there is no blood see cut the skin of her face and then the top half of her body. You see the reflection of her in the mirror and then see falls to the ground and her parents come in the room and they are not skeletons and you see them run to her on the floor. You then see the pictures (everyone is normal in them) and then her running to her friends plating with them as a skeleton. The video was directed by Tony Gardner. It was remixed with two of their other songs Brainwasher and Rolling and scratching. It also was released on DVD when the CD was out. It did not have a chart rating at all. The way that this fits the sound is by saying that you don't need to change and that you are at the prime time right now.They way that they show the band is not very well as they are only in the video very shortly but it goes to they wired side.